Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Creating layered PDF files with GerbView

One of the nice features of GerbView is the ability to create layered PDF files.
Layered PDF files can be displayed in Acrobat, and you can here control the visibility of each layer individually. Creating a layered PDF in GerbView is easy, you just add all the layers you want to include and then convert it to a PDF file!
First you need to make sure all layers are loaded, and displayed in the order you want them to be listed in the final PDF file:

Then locate and press the Save As button. A dialog will appear where you can select which layers you want to include in the PDF. Make sure you select all layers, like this:

Press OK and another dialog will appear. From this dialog select a file name and the file format to use for the converted file. Set the destination format to Adobe PDF.

Finally press OK again and your new layered PDF is created. You can now open the PDF file in Acrobat to verify that each layer is listed correctly. The image below shows how the PDF file may look in Acrobat:

In this guide we've used GerbView release 7 to do the conversion, but you could also use it for GerbView version 6.  You can follow this guide to create layered DWF and DXF files as well.

GerbView® is a Software Companions product, and you will find more information about it here:
and here:

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